Among all standard zinc alloys, #2 zinc alloy possesses higher strength and hardness which last over a long period of time. Its good creep resistance (deformation under high temperature and stress) and anti-wear property make it an ideal material for products requiring durability and strong mechanical properties.


Industrial fittings and gravity casting of high-strength operations, such as automotive parts, gears, metal moulds, injection moulding tools

Typical Properties

 Typical Physical Properties: 

  •  Density (g/cm3):      6.6 
  •   Melting Range (   o   C):     379- 390 
  •  Electrical Conductivity (% IACS):    25 
  •  Thermal Conductivity (100   o   C, W/m ‧ K):     104.7 
  •  Specific Heat (J/kg    ‧    K):     419 
  •  Die Shrinkage (mm/mm):    0.007 
  •  Coefficient of Thermal Expansion (20-100oC, μm/m/oC):    27.8 

 Typical Mechanical Properties  :   

  •  Ultimate Tensile Strength (MPa):       359 
  •  Impact Strength (J):   48 
  •  Elongation (%):    7 
  •  Hardness (HB):    100 
  •  Shear Strength (MPa):    317 
  •  Yield Strength (0.2%, MPa):    283 
  •  Fatigue Strength (5 x 108 cycles, MPa):    59 
  •  Compressive Yield Strength (0.1%, MPa):    641 

Compliance with International Standards

RoHS, ISO 301, China GB/T 8738, Europe EN 1774, U.S. ASTM B240


  •  Average Mass per Slab (kg)  :     10 
  •  Slab Dimensions (mm):    480 x 110 x 45 
  •  Average Mass per Bundle (kg):    1,100 ± 50 
  •  Bundle Dimensions (mm):    460 x 960 x 610 
  •  Number per Bundle:    112
