ACuZinc 5 zinc alloy is also known as zinc-copper-aluminium alloy. Its high copper yet low aluminium composition gives ACuZinc5 better tensile strength, hardness, wear and deformation resistance. It also has outstanding load carrying capacity and bearing characteristics.


Automotive components

Typical Properties

 Typical Physical Properties: 

  •  Density (g/cm3):    6.85 
  •  Melting Range (oC):      452±50 
  •  Electrical Conductivity (% IACS):    26.9 
  •   Thermal Conductivity (100oC, W/m    ‧    K):     106 
  •  Coefficient of Thermal Expansion (20-100oC, μm/m/oC):    24.1 

 Typical Mechanical Properties: 

  •  Ultimate Tensile Strength (MPa):    407 
  •  Elongation (%):    5 
  •  Hardness (HB):    115 
  •  Shear Strength (MPa):    280 
  •  Yield Strength (0.2%, MPa):    338 

Compliance with International Standards

RoHS, U.S. ASTM B892


  •  Average Mass per Slab (kg):    10 
  •  Slab Dimensions (mm):    480 x 110 x 45 
  •  Average Mass per Bundle (kg):    1,100 ± 50 
  •  Bundle Dimensions (mm):    460 x 960 x 610 
  •  Number per Bundle:    112
